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“Patriot Mobile offers the best of all worlds for reliable cellular service with a coverage guarantee and affordable monthly payments that you will be happy to pay this Christian conservative company that supports the 2nd Amendment and our God given rights.”
Why subscribe to Patriot Mobile?
When you become a Patriot Mobile member, your dollars are helping to fund our God-given right to freedom. A portion of every dollar we earn is given back to the causes that support organizations that fight for First Amendment Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms, Sanctity of Life, and the needs of our Veterans and First Responders.
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Shooting For Women Alliance's MISSION

Our mission is to help educate, empower and motivate civilians to increase the odds they will prevail in a life-threatening encounter with techniques based on critical thinking that rise to the level necessary when critical situations require critical timing.

We are a non-profit organization which was formed to educate and motivate women [and the men they bring with them] toward increasing the odds of prevailing in a self-defense situation and the shooting sports. Our founder was held hostage in her home in 1992 at knife-point for 5 1/2 hours and then stalked for 2 years before there were handgun carry permits or stalking laws. All training techniques were designed from our Founder’s civilian experience to help others empower themselves in the real world where seconds will count and actions will determine the rest of your life. Susan has been described as a female version of the late Jeff Cooper . . . not interested in competition or personal recognition . . . but dedicated to developing techniques that work for civilian women and men.


Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian Conservative Wireless Provider which offers dependable nationwide coverage on the major 4G and 5G networks, along with 100% US-based customer service.

Patriot Mobile utilizes the same towers as the three major networks, so you’ll enjoy great coverage while supporting causes that align with your values and beliefs.

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