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Support Life, Liberty, and the Fight for a better Future

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Why Subscribe to Patriot Mobile?
When you become a Patriot Mobile member, your dollars are helping to fund our God-given right to freedom. A portion of every dollar we earn is given back to the causes that support organizations that fight for First Amendment Religious Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms, Sanctity of Life, and the needs of our Veterans and First Responders.
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“Patriot Mobile loves CWA’s mission of building warriors to champion women’s issues. They are leading the charge to protect women’s sports, bringing attention to gender mutilation, fighting for mothers and the unborn, bringing awareness to the dangers to women of chemical abortions, and being the women’s voice on pro-family, pro-love and other issues near and dear to God’s heart.”  – Jenny Story, Chief Operating Officer

Concerned Women For America

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with a rich history of over 40 years of helping our members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy. There’s a cultural battle raging across this country, and CWA is on the frontline protecting those values through prayer and action.
We focus on seven core issues: the family, the sanctity of human life, religious liberty, education, sexual exploitation, national sovereignty, and support for Israel.


We offer broad coverage on dependable, nationwide 4G or 5G LTE networks and exceptional 100% U.S.-based customer support, while relentlessly fighting for pro-life values.

We offer broad coverage on dependable, nationwide 4G or 5G networks and exceptional 100% U.S.-based customer support, while relentlessly fighting for pro-life values.


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